
Meet Andrew Mauzey, Studio School Faculty

The Curriculum Collective

Every degree track at Studio School empowers students to develop fresh, short-form digital content, as a pathway to a global audience. You will develop that process from day one. As you present yourself you to the entertainment industry, you will have a powerful creative portfolio to demonstrate your ideas, artistic excellence and true professionalism.

Oscar-winning studio leadership, industry experts and distinguished educators from across the country team have been instrumental in developing the master curriculum. Providing real-world knowledge and industry insights, the Curriculum Collective is the motivating force for Studio School’s proprietary course offerings designed to transform the students into creative thought-leaders, business professionals and entrepreneurs.

Curriculum development for Studio School is based on university-level learning objectives, core proficiency skills, project-based learning and professional industry standards within each discipline. The curriculum is career focused, so that students gain practical experience from the outset under the guidance of industry professionals and master teachers. The depth of course offerings combined with the breadth of practical experience is structured to prepare students for life after graduation.

Mastering a professional vocabulary, understanding traditional and emerging concepts, and demonstrating mastery in your concentrated area of study are expected. On a technical level, students will be prepared to execute ideas using many different techniques and modalities, as well as emerging technology so that graduates are recognized by employers as knowledgeable, skilled and thoroughly prepared to succeed in today’s demanding workplace.